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Released: 2024-11-15

  • Added the possibility to remotely configure the Android Player configuration ADPS-541
    SPI enhancement

    ⚠️What to pay attention to:
    • Ensure to add the AndroidPlayerConfiguration settings to enable the feature.
    • The Livebackoff improvements on UI side to align to Diva RW Livebackoff behaviours will be released soon.
  • Resolved an issue with ExoPlayer 1.4.0 that caused continuous buffering during ad playback. Applied the pre-release fix to improve the rebuffering ratio. ADPS-549
  • Fixed an issue in case of success on the last Entitlement call retries that was causing an error 23. DFE-4604
    SPI enhancement


Released: 2024-10-17

  • Investigated and fixed the DRM configuration to ensure that valid requests are sent to the license server post-ad break, resolving the 403 error response. ADPS-448
    SPI enhancement
  • Added the possibility to disable the entitlement calls retries by setting it to 0 DFE-4626
    SPI enhancement

    ⚠️What to pay attention to: Ensure to add "0"" entitlementCheck -> retries setting to disable the feature.
com.deltatre.diva:diva-mobile-divaboadapter5.8.9Diva BO Adapter Mobile
com.deltatre.diva:divaplayermobile5.8.9Diva Player Mobile
com.deltatre.diva:divacorelib1.5.8Diva Core libraries
com.deltatre.diva:divaconvivaplugin1.2.11Conviva Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divayouboraplugin1.2.11Youbora Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divaomplugin1.0.11Open Measurement (OM) Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divabeaconingplugin1.0.11Beaconing Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divalivelikeplugin1.0.6LiveLike Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divawatchtogetherplugin1.0.4Watch together Plugin library


Released: 2024-10-11

  • Fixed default audio track selection by reading the language parameter from the manifest ADPS-538
com.deltatre.diva:diva-mobile-divaboadapter5.8.8Diva BO Adapter Mobile
com.deltatre.diva:divaplayermobile5.8.8Diva Player Mobile
com.deltatre.diva:divacorelib1.5.8Diva Core libraries
com.deltatre.diva:divaconvivaplugin1.2.10Conviva Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divayouboraplugin1.2.10Youbora Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divaomplugin1.0.10Open Measurement (OM) Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divabeaconingplugin1.0.10Beaconing Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divalivelikeplugin1.0.6LiveLike Plugin library
com.deltatre.diva:divawatchtogetherplugin1.0.4Watch together Plugin library


Released: 2024-10-11

  • Entitlement Calls Retry Added a retry mechanism in the heartbeat call that, after X retries, will stop the playback and show an error message to the user. This change will prevent the player from getting a lot of errors code 22. ADPS-526

    SPI enhancement

    ⚠️What to pay attention to: Ensure to add the proper entitlementCheck -> retries setting to enable the feature.

  • Custom colors enrichment Added a new parameter to customize the highlighted border color in the overlays. DFE-4276
    ⚠️What to pay attention to: Ensure to add the colours -> overlayHighlightBorderColor setting to enable the feature.

  • Fixed an issue that was returning a "Content protection" error after the advertisement break ADPS-448
    SPI enhancement
  • Fixed issue where an empty thumbnail was visible when seeking VODs, and seeking on lower-end devices caused the player to crash. ADPS-378


Released: 2024-09-13

  • Enriched the user agent for ads requests, ensuring proper identification by resolving the okHTTP library misconfiguration.
    SPI enhancement
  • Resolved intermittent app crashes when ads begin playing in certain videos.
  • Fixed the VideoKind field, ensuring it populates correctly in Entitlement and Heartbeat requests.
    SPI enhancement

Please note that these fixes might introduce a small breaking change per platform: In Android, the VideoKind field that was previously always empty will now be populated with the values configured in the BO ("live" or "vod").


Released: 2024-08-30

  • Enriched the user agent for ads requests, ensuring proper identification by resolving the okHTTP library misconfiguration.
    SPI enhancement
  • Resolved intermittent app crashes when ads begin playing in certain videos.


Released: 2024-08-23

  • Android media updated to version 1.4.0 Updated the package diva-android-exoplayer to update Android media to version 1.4.0.
  • Custom background color through settings Added the possibility to change color of background when there is no overlay data on portrait mode. The color can be set by settings. White background and black text as default can be overridden by those settings. Every other color in the Information Panel won't be customizable. Check the developer guide.
  • Subtitle track toggling now works as expected when enabling or disabling subtitles.
  • Resolved crash issue during episode playback.
  • The palNonceRequestMap callback is now invoked correctly when expected.
    SPI enhancement
  • Chromecast now properly handles videos with midroll ads.


Released: 2024-07-29

  • Corrected the issue where PlaybackSessionId was "undefined" during the heartbeat on Diva 5.8.2.
    SPI enhancement
  • Entitlements are now processed correctly for proper access control.
    SPI enhancement


Released: 2024-07-18

  • Supporting Widevine L1 DRM protection
  • Resolved issue where videos failed to load on version 5.8.1.
  • DRM license requests no longer fail with a 400 (bad request) error on some devices.
    SPI enhancement


Released: 2024-07-10

  • AWS MediaTailor Beaconing Integration in Diva Player for SSAI Events
  • Tracking URL is now set properly once the nonce from PAL SDK is generated.
    SPI enhancement
  • Corrected analytics to ensure proper event tracking after video_close.
    SPI enhancement


Released: 2024-07-01

  • Live DVR experience
    This release delivers efficient Digital Video Recorder (DVR) window navigation in DIVA player, allowing users to catch up on the beginning of scheduled programs even if joining part-way through. The DVR experience for linear streaming now includes a wall clock on the scrub bar.
    ⚠️What to pay attention to: Settings (heartbeatSeekInterval)
  • Android Media3 migration From DIVA Player 5.8, Media3 replaces ExoPlayer as the media player component. Media3 is the latest media library from Google, designed to be a comprehensive solution for media playback, combining features from ExoPlayer and new capabilities, providing a robust and flexible playback experience.
  • Castlabs DRM improvements
    SPI enhancement

    We've improved DRM token management for SSAI streams in DIVA Player. The enhancement ensures that the DRM token is always valid by updating it from the latest heartbeat response. This prevents DRM errors when transitioning from unprotected ad segments to protected content.
  • Google PAL SDK adjustment
    SPI enhancement

    We've integrated the Google PAL SDK into the DIVA player to track server-side ad events, enhancing our analytics on ad performance and viewer interactions.
  • Entitlement adjustments
    SPI enhancement

    As part of this update, we've made Entitlement API improvements. This means that entitlement checks are now exposed from the containing application via the DIVA API, informing DIVA Player whether users can/can't watch content.
    ⚠️What to pay attention to: Settings (heartbeatSeekInterval)
Breaking change

This release includes a significant update involving the migration to Media3.
Please be advised that this update introduces a breaking change.
However, this issue can be resolved by following the provided instructions.