Below is the list of DIVA Player labels that the front-end can assign based on the selected culture (e.g., en-US):
(find JSON files examples at the end of the page)
If the dictionaly JSON file is empty or without word tag, DIVA Player raises a parse error.
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_select_chapter | Chapter List | Title in chapter list view |
"messages": {
"diva_select_chapter": "Chapter List",
Chain play / Up Next
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_eop_upnext_title | Next episode | Title of Up Next panel | |
diva_eop_starts_in_seconds | Starts in... | Countdown label to autoplay | tvOS only |
"messages": {
"diva_eop_upnext_title": "Next episode",
"diva_eop_starts_in_seconds": "Starts in {seconds} sec",
End of Play
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_eop_replay | Replay | On the Replay button | |
diva_eop_rewind | Replay | On the Replay button | tvOS only |
"messages": {
"diva_eop_replay": "Replay",
"diva_eop_rewind": "Replay",
Data panels
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_menu_full_stats_button | Full Stats | Full stats label displayed on Tablet | |
diva_close_stats_button | Close Stats | Close Stats label displayed Mobile |
"messages": {
"diva_menu_full_stats_button": "Full Stats",
"diva_close_stats_button": "Close Stats",
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_highlightsmode_loading | Highlights cards processing... | Text shown during HL calculation time | |
diva_highlightsmode_howto | How do you want to watch this game? | Label displayed in the HL mode choice | |
diva_highlightsmode_short | Short | Label linked to the short HL filter | |
diva_highlightsmode_medium | Medium | Label linked to the medium HL filter | |
diva_highlightsmode_long | Long | Label linked to the long HL filter | |
diva_highlightsmode_live | Live | Label linked to the live HL filter | |
diva_highlightsmode_full | Full Match | Label linked to the full match option | |
diva_highlightsmode_resume | Resume | Label displayed when the user seek outside the HL boundaries | |
diva_highlightsmode_next | Next | Label displayed for 'next' button in the title box | |
diva_highlightsmode_highlights | Highlights | Label displayed under the title with HL type, when user is outside the HL mode | |
diva_highlightsmode_youarein | You are in highlights mode | Label displayed in the HL top bar for a few seconds | |
diva_highlightsmode_notification_title | Don't miss {n} key moments | ||
diva_highlightsmode_notification_subtitle | Do you want to see that? | ||
diva_highlightsmode_notification_watch | Watch | ||
diva_hours | h | Label used for the hour field in the HL duration calculated | |
diva_minutes | m | Label used for the minutes field in the HL duration calculated | |
diva_seconds | s | Label used for the seconds field in the HL duration calculated |
"messages": {
"diva_highlightsmode_loading": "Highlights cards processing...",
"diva_highlightsmode_howto": "How do you want to watch this game?",
"diva_highlightsmode_short": "Short",
"diva_highlightsmode_medium": "Medium",
"diva_highlightsmode_long": "Long",
"diva_highlightsmode_live": "Live",
"diva_highlightsmode_full": "Full Match",
"diva_highlightsmode_resume": "Resume",
"diva_highlightsmode_next": "Next",
"diva_highlightsmode_highlights": "Highlights",
"diva_highlightsmode_youarein": "You are in highlights mode",
"diva_highlightsmode_notification_title": "Don't miss {n} key moments",
"diva_highlightsmode_notification_subtitle": "Do you want to see that?",
"diva_highlightsmode_notification_watch": "Watch",
"diva_hours": "h",
"diva_minutes": "m",
"diva_seconds": "s",
``` JSON
"messages": {
"diva_select_chapter": "Chapter List",
Timeline and commentary
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_commentary | Commentary | Commentary menu label | |
diva_playbyplay | Commentary | Menu button title for the playbyplay module | |
diva_noplaybyplay | First message will be displayed shortly after the start of the session | Message displayed when you don't have play by play or commentary in the overlay |
"messages": {
"diva_commentary": "Commentary",
"diva_playbyplay": "Commentary",
"diva_noplaybyplay": "First message will be displayed shortly after the start of the session",
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_multiview_videolist_title | Add/Remove streams | Title of the multiview videolist panel | N/A on WebTV |
diva_multiview_videolist_button_title | Multiview | Title of the multiview videolist button | N/A on WebTV |
diva_multiview_exit_title | Exit Multiview | Title of the multiview videolist exit button and exit confirmation modal | N/A on WebTV |
diva_multiview_exit_description | Are you sure you wish to exit multiview? | Description of the multiview videolist exit confirmation modal | N/A on WebTV |
diva_multiview_exit_confirm | Exit | Confirm button of the multiview videolist exit confirmation modal | N/A on WebTV |
diva_multiview_exit_dismiss | Dismiss | Dismiss button of the multiview videolist exit confirmation modal | N/A on WebTV |
diva_multiview_end_of_play | The stream has ended | Text shown when end of play is reached in multiview | N/A on WebTV |
"messages": {
"diva_multiview_videolist_title": "Add/Remove streams",
"diva_multiview_videolist_button_title": "Multiview",
"diva_multiview_exit_title": "Go Live",
"diva_multiview_exit_description": "Are you sure you wish to exit multiview?",
"diva_multiview_exit_confirm": "Exit",
"diva_multiview_exit_dismiss": "Dismiss",
"diva_multiview_end_of_play": "The stream has ended",
Recommendations / Related
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_recommendation_watch_again | Watch again | Deprecated? | |
diva_recommendation_watch_next_video | Watch the next video | Deprecated? | |
diva_recommendation_next_videos | Next videos | Deprecated? | |
diva_recommendation_video_autoload | Next video will start in {sec} sec | Countdown label to autoplay | tvOS only? Deprecated? |
diva_eop_recommendation_title | Recommendations | The row title from Video Lists | |
diva_eop_recommendation_title | You may also like | The row title from Related |
"messages": {
"diva_recommendation_watch_again": "Watch again",
"diva_recommendation_watch_next_video": "Watch the next video",
"diva_recommendation_next_videos": "Next videos",
"diva_recommendation_video_autoload": "Next video will start in {sec} sec",
"diva_eop_recommendation_title": "Recommendations",
"diva_eop_related_title": "You may also like",
Skip intervals
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_skip_interval_button | Skip intro | Label of the button to skip intro |
"messages": {
"diva_skip_interval_button": "Skip intro",
Subtitles, captioning, and audio​
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_audio | Audio | Title of the audio panel | |
default_audio_selected | Default Audio | Default audio track name | |
diva_cc_panel_title | Closed Caption | Title of closed caption panel | |
diva_cc_enabled | Enabled | Label enabled closed caption | |
diva_cc_disabled | Disabled | Label disabled closed caption | |
diva_settings_close | Close setting | ToolTip on close setting button | |
diva_settings_open | Close setting | ToolTip on open setting button | |
diva_cc_[trackName] | Audio Track Name | Compose this tag for every audiotrack present in the manifest and assign the right translation | |
diva_cc_enhancements_button_subtitle | Change text size and style | Subtitle of the caption style button | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
diva_cc_enlarge_label | Enlarge text | Label of the enlarge text button | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
diva_cc_caption_style_title | Caption style | Title of the caption style panel | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
diva_cc_enlarge_subtitle | Enlarge text | Subtitle of the enlarge text button | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
diva_cc_enlarge_description | Activate for a significant increase of the subtitles text, for better readability | Description of the enlarge text button | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
diva_cc_style_subtitle | Style | Subtitle of the style button | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
diva_cc_style_description | Activate to enable a darker background behind the subtitles text for increased visibility | Description of the style button | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
diva_cc_style_label | Style | Label of the style button | WebTV, AndroidTV and Roku only |
"messages": {
"diva_audio": "Audio",
"default_audio_selected": "Default Audio",
"diva_cc_panel_title": "Closed Caption",
"diva_cc_enabled": "Enabled",
"diva_cc_disabled": "Disabled",
"diva_settings_close": "Close setting",
"diva_settings_open": "Close setting",
"diva_cc_english": "English",
"diva_cc_french": "FRENCH",
"diva_cc_spanish": "Spanish",
"diva_cc_#1 Fre": "French",
"diva_cc_#2 Eng": "English",
"diva_cc_enhancements_button_subtitle": "Change text size and style",
"diva_cc_enlarge_label": "Enlarge text",
"diva_cc_caption_style_title": "Caption style",
"diva_cc_enlarge_subtitle": "Enlarge text",
"diva_cc_enlarge_description": "Activate for a significant increase of the subtitles text, for better readability",
"diva_cc_style_subtitle": "Style",
"diva_cc_style_description": "Activate to enable a darker background behind the subtitles text for increased visibility",
"diva_cc_style_label": "Style"
Video quality selector​
KEY | English translation | Description | Note |
diva_settings_panel_title | Settings | Title of setting panel button | |
diva_video_quality | Quality | Quality submenu title | |
diva_video_quality_auto | Auto | Auto Quality selector | |
diva_video_quality_{selector} | 1080p (HD) | Quality selector (bandwidth in kbps) |
"messages": {
"diva_settings_panel_title": "Settings",
"diva_video_quality": "Quality",
"diva_video_quality_auto": "Auto",
"diva_video_quality_1080p": "1080p (HD)",