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Getting started

Step 1: Setup the development environment​

What you need before starting​

  • Your AWS account is SSO-enabled to access After being SSO-enabled (please refer to your Project Manager), restart your development machine.


  1. Access and select Access keys
AWS access portal
  1. In a terminal, execute the three imports in Option 1: Set AWS environment variables
Set AWS environment variables
  1. Go back to and select CodeArtifactReadOnlyAccessDIVA
Codeartifact Readonly Access Diva
  1. Search and select CodeArtifact
Codeartifact service
  1. Select the Diva repository, filter by Format:generic, and select View connection instructions
Connection instructions
  1. Select Operating system, npm as the package manager, Recommended method: configure using AWS CLI, and copy the login command in Step 3
Diva Package repository connection

Note: The login session expires within 12 hours. Repeat the steps until the login command every time you need to update the DIVA package.

  1. Download the Diva Player lib and DIVA Back Office Adapter lib from the AWS CodeArtifact.

Diva Player lib you can find in AWS CodeArtifact by Package name - roku-diva-player

DIVA Back Office Adapter lib you can find in AWS CodeArtifact by Package name - roku-diva-bo-adapter

Diva Package repository connection

The approach for downloading Diva Player lib and DIVA Back Office Adapter lib are identical.

The next steps 8-12 describe how to download the Diva Player lib and these steps are similar to downloading the DIVA Back Office Adapter lib

  1. Find the package in AWS CodeArtifact. Navigate to the Diva repository. Add package filter by name: roku-diva-player / roku-diva-bo-adapter

Node: roku-diva-player for Diva Player lib. roku-diva-bo-adapter for DIVA Back Office Adapter lib

Diva Package search
  1. Select the roku-diva-player / roku-diva-bo-adapter package in the search result
Diva Package search
  1. On the Package page select the required Package version
Diva Package version
  1. At the Asset page find the package name(1), version(2) and package lib name(3)
Diva Package search
  1. Download package (roku-diva-player / roku-diva-bo-adapter). Perform command aws codeartifact get-package-version-asset in the cmd line:

Note: This command for cmd line on Windows, for other platform use AWS instruction here

Replace values in command before sending:

aws codeartifact get-package-version-asset --domain deltatre-diva --repository Diva ^
--format generic --namespace com.deltatre.diva --package PACKAGE_NAME ^

PACKAGE_NAME - it is the package name(1) from the Step 11. Can be: roku-diva-player / roku-diva-bo-adapter

PACKAGE_VERSION it is the version(2) from the Step 11. For example: 5.7.0

PACKAGE_LIB_NAME it is the package lib name(3) from the Step 11. For example:

Example of command for downloading the roku-diva-player(Diva Player lib):

aws codeartifact get-package-version-asset --domain deltatre-diva --repository Diva ^
--format generic --namespace com.deltatre.diva --package roku-diva-player ^
--package-version 5.7.0 --asset

Example of command for downloading the roku-diva-bo-adapter(DIVA Back Office Adapter lib):

aws codeartifact get-package-version-asset --domain deltatre-diva --repository Diva ^
--format generic --namespace com.deltatre.diva --package roku-diva-bo-adapter ^
--package-version 1.2.0 --asset
  1. Store the Diva Player Lib and DIVA DIVA Back Office Adapter Lib in your Roku project folder in the pkg:/resources/... folder

  2. After downloading the Diva Player Lib and DIVA DIVA Back Office Adapter Lib you are ready to create the first Roku app with DIVA Player.

Step 2: Write your very first Roku app with DIVA Player​

What you need before starting​

  • Ensure you download the Diva Player Lib and DIVA DIVA Back Office Adapter Lib(roku-diva-bo-adapter) from the Setup section of this instruction.
  • Ask your video engineers team the <video id> and <settings URL>.


Replace <Diva Player lib path> and <DIVA Back Office Adapter lib path> with paths where you stored the libs (Setup > Step 13),

Replace <video id> and <settings URL> with values you got from your video engineers team in the following code:

sub init()
end sub

sub initScreen()
end sub

sub loadLibs()
'Init of loading the Diva Player lib

'Init of loading the DIVA Back Office Adapter lib
end sub

sub loadPlayer()
' Creates the ComponentLibrary (the DivaPlayerSDK in this case)
m.divaPlayerSDK = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ComponentLibrary") = "DivaPlayerSDK"
m.divaPlayerSDK.uri = "<Diva Player lib path>"

' Adding the ComponentLibrary node to the scene will start the download of the library

m.divaPlayerSDK.observeField("loadStatus", "onDivaPlayerLoadStatusChanged")
end sub

sub loadBOAdapter()
' Creates the ComponentLibrary (the DIVA Back Office Adapter in this case)
m.divaBOAdapter = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ComponentLibrary") = "DivaBOAdapter"
m.divaBOAdapter.uri = "<DIVA Back Office Adapter lib path>"

' Adding the ComponentLibrary node to the scene will start the download of the library
m.divaBOAdapter.observeField("loadStatus", "onDivaPlayerLoadStatusChanged")
end sub

sub onDivaPlayerLoadStatusChanged()
if m.divaPlayerSDK.loadStatus = "ready"
if m.divaBOAdapter <> invalid and m.divaBOAdapter.loadStatus = "ready"
end if
end if
end sub

sub launchBOAdapter()
m.boAdapterNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "DivaBOAdapter:DivaBOAdapter")

m.boAdapterNode.initData = {
"settingId": "<settings URL>"
"videoId": "<video id>"
"dictionaryId": "en_GB"

' Observe DIVA Back Office Adapter DiveLaunchParams
m.boAdapterNode.observeField("divaLaunchParams", "onBOAdapterDivaLaunchParamsHandler")

' Observe DIVA Back Office Adapter Dictionary
m.boAdapterNode.observeField("dictionary", "onBOAdapterDictionaryHandler")

' Observe DIVA Back Office Adapter VideoMetaDataNode
m.boAdapterNode.observeField("videoDataNode", "onBOAdapterVideoDataNodeHandler")

' Observe DIVA Back Office Adapter Entitlement Data
m.boAdapterNode.observeField("entitlementData", "onEntitlementDataHandler")

' Observe DIVA Back Office Adapter Settings
m.boAdapterNode.observeField("settingsNode", "onSettingsHandler")

' Observe DIVA Back Office Adapter when all necessary data for launching the Diva Player was loaded
' After getting this event you can launch the Diva Player
m.boAdapterNode.observeField("boAdapterReady", "onBOAdapterReady")

'Diva Player Utils Node
m.dpUtilsNode = getDivaPlayerUtilsNode()

' Observe Diva Player exit call
m.dpUtilsNode.observeField("divaPlayerExit", "onDivaPlayerExitHandler")

' Observe Diva Player actions
' Observe Diva Metadata update call
m.dpUtilsNode.observeField("metaDataUpdate", "onMetadataUpdateHandler")

' Get a request from the Diva Player on making the Entitlement request to the BE
m.dpUtilsNode.observeField("entitlementRequest", "onEntitlementHandler")

' Getting Diva Player Node
m.divaPlayer = m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("getPlayer")
' Adding Diva Player for the visualisation
screensStack = m.getScreensStack()

end sub

function getDivaPlayerUtilsNode() as dynamic
if NOT isValid(m.dpUtilsNode)
m.dpUtilsNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "DivaPlayerSDK:DPUtilsNode")
end if
return m.dpUtilsNode
end function

sub onBOAdapterDivaLaunchParamsHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()
' Setup Diva Player launch parameters
m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("setLaunchParams", data)
end sub

sub onBOAdapterDictionaryHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()
' Setup Diva Player dictionary
m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("setDictionary", data)
end sub

sub onBOAdapterVideoDataNodeHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()
' Setup Diva Player Metadata
m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("setMetaData", data)
end sub

sub onSettingsHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()
' Setup Diva Player Settings
m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("setSettings", data)
end sub

sub onEntitlementDataHandler(evt as dynamic)
' Set to the Diva Player response from Entitlement Service
m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("setEntitlementData", evt.getData())
end sub

sub onBOAdapterReady(evt as dynamic)
end sub

sub destroyBOAdapter()
if m.boAdapterNode <> invalid
m.boAdapterNode.destroy = true
m.boAdapterNode = invalid
end if
end sub

sub onMetadataUpdateHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()
m.boAdapterNode.requestMetaDataUpdate = data
end sub

sub onEntitlementHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()
m.boAdapterNode.entitlementRequest = data
end sub

sub onDivaPlayerExitHandler()
m.dpUtilsNode = invalid

'Destroy DIVA Back Office Adapter Node
end sub