Accessibility WebTV
Alternate input methods​
Enable/disable alternate input methods with the following variables in the instantiation configuration:
: remote is activated, default: truegamepadActive
: gamepad is activated, default: true
const props = {
settingsUrl: "<settings URL>",
languageCode: "en-US",
onDivaBoAdapterError: console.error,
config: config,
remoteActive: true,
gamepadActive: false
export const App = () => {
return <DivaWebTvBoAdapter { ...props } />;
Users can choose to use alternative devices other than the default platform remote control, check the Alternate input methods
On-screen navigational movement follows the order in which the UI elements display on the screen, check the Tab navigation order.
Find details on keyboard and gamepad navigation in our Accessibility article (open Web TV accordion and look for the Shortcuts paragraph).
Find details on badges — available from version 5.2 onward — in our Accessibility article (open Web TV accordion and look for the Badges paragraph).
Use video list endpoint parameters ccBadge
and adBadge
to display/add closed captions and audio description badges.
You can find a sample endpoint response inside Video List documentation or Recommendations.
If parameter is present and set as true
, the badge will be displayed, otherwise badge is hidden.
Screen opacity​
Find details on screen opacity in our Accessibility article (open Web TV accordion and look for the Screen opacity paragraph).
Use opaqueBackground
to improve readability and contrast:
Property | Description | Type | default |
opaqueBackground | starting value for disable transparency on menu | boolean | false |
const props = {
settingsUrl: "<settings URL>",
languageCode: "en-US",
onDivaBoAdapterError: console.error,
config: config,
accessibility: {
opaqueBackground: false
export const App = () => {
return <DivaWebTvBoAdapter { ...props } />;
Subtitles and Captioning enhancements​
To provide better accessibility to menu and user interfaces, DIVA provide also other functionalities:
Find details on closed captions enhancement, closed captions in high-contrast and enlarged, and transparency in our Accessibility article (open Web TV accordion and look for the Subtitles and Captioning enhancements paragraph).
Note: Video player users can enable/disable subtitles and captioning enhancements from the UI.
When video player users change subtitles and captioning enhancements settings, the callback onAccessibilityUpdate
returns changes. The front-end can store and use them to start new video player instances. The following table lists those settings:
Property | Description | Type | default |
darkerBackgroundCc | starting value for closed captions high-contrast | boolean | false |
enlargedCcs | starting value for closed captions enlarged | boolean | false |
ccEnhancementsDisabled | disable cc enhancements (darkerBackgroundCc , enlargedCcs ) and disable the possibility to have this accessibility feature to be updated by the user | boolean | false |
hideTransparencyDisabled | disable opaqueBackground and disable the possibility to have this accessibility feature to be updated by the user | boolean | false |
onAccessibilityUpdate | return the values of darkerBackgroundCc , enlargedCcs and opaqueBackground each time on of this are updated by the user | callback | --- |
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { AccessibilityData } from 'diva-web-types';
const [accessibility, setAccessibility] = useState<AccessibilityData>({
enlargedCcs: false,
darkerBackgroundCc: false,
opaqueBackground: false,
const onAccessibilityUpdate = useCallback((data: AccessibilityData) => {
}, []);
const props = {
settingsUrl: "<settings URL>",
languageCode: "en-US",
onDivaBoAdapterError: console.error,
config: config,
accessibility: {
ccEnhancementsDisabled: true,
hideTransparencyDisabled: true,
darkerBackgroundCc: true,
enlargedCcs: true,
opaqueBackground: true,
export const App = () => {
return <DivaWebTvBoAdapter { ...props } />;
Text-to-Speech (TTS)​
Find details on text-to-speech in our Accessibility article (open Web TV accordion and look for the Text-to-Speech (TTS) paragraph).
When users interact with the video player elements, use the TTS plugin to convert raised text announces to speech.
Custom input reactions (voice command support)​
Find details on custom input reactions in our Accessibility article (open Web TV accordion and look for the Custom input reactions (voice command support) paragraph).
Instead of providing voice controls that could require custom integration, we provide apis to interact with diva and launch commands like they were asked by voice.
Input voice control isn't included in DIVA Player SDK. Instead, it provides an API to execute commands as if users were asking them by voice. Find below the supported actions (to be checked if others can be added):
Action | Description | |
play | () => void | Play the video |
pause | divaApi.pause: () => void | Pause the video |
seek | (value: number) => Promise<void> | Seek relative to the video start |
seekAbsolute | divaApi.seekAbsolute: (value: Date) => Promise<void> | Seek by absolute Date |
seekPercentage | divaApi.seekPercentage: (value: number) => Promise<void> | Seek by percentage. Value should be a number [0-100] |
skipForward | divaApi.skipForward: () => void | Skip forward by the amount specified in videoMetadata.behaviour.seekInterval (10s by default) |
skipBack | divaApi.skipBack: () => void | Skip back by the amount specified in videoMetadata.behaviour.seekInterval (10s by default) |
openSubtitlePanel | divaApi.openSubtitlePanel: () => void | Open subtitle panel |
openAudioPanel | divaApi.openAudioPanel: () => void | Open audio panel |
openSettingsPanel | divaApi.openSettingsPanel: () => void | Open settings panel |
openVideoList | divaApi.openVideoList: () => void | Open video list |
sendPlayerCommand | divaApi.sendPlayerCommand: (command: DivaCommand) => void | Send player command |
const Player = ()=>{
const onDivaAPI = useCallback((divaApi: DivaAPI): void => {
voiceRecognition.onCommandReceived("play", ()=>{;
voiceRecognition.onCommandReceived("pause", ()=>{
}, [voiceRecognition]);
const config = {
videoId: videoId,
libs: libs,
setAPI: onDivaAPI
return (
return <DivaWebTvBoAdapter { ...props } />;