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Chapters split lengthy videos into shorter portions with an adapted Interactive timeline and event markers. For example, a cricket match can last as long as eight hours; without Chapters, the timeline contains many events, making it challenging to navigate key moments in the stream. Chapters of two-hour periods with direct links mean the timeline is less congested.d.

NOTE: We advise matching the beginning of the first chapter with the beginning of the trimmed video. If the first chapter begins after the start of the trimmed video, the player will first apply the trimIn and later (when the Push Engine delivers the chapters), seek to the beginning of the first chapter.

DIVA requirements​

Editors must first enable Chapters, then insert Chapters using the DIVA back office console.

DIVA Setting and VideoMetadata​

DIVA translations​

NOTE: The DIVA back office console manages chapter label localizations.

For all chapters translations (tooltips and titles of Chapter lists), please refer to the Dictionary.


For Chapters functionality DIVA raises external Analytics events

Product documentation​

For Chapter visuals and behaviors, visit the DIVA help centre.