LiveLike iOS Plugin
- iOS 13.0 and above
Add LiveLike SDK library to your project​
pod 'DivaLiveLikePlugin', :git => '', :tag => '1.0.1'
You will need to have a relevant Personal Access Token with package read permissions in order to utilise this approach.
To use the LiveLikePlugin
, you need to initialize it first by calling the init()
method. Here is an example:
let diva = Diva(configuration: /*…*/)
let liveLike = DivaLiveLike(
configuration: example.configuration.settings.liveLike,
pluginsManager: diva.pluginsManager,
api: diva.api
A Combine publisher for all the generated analytics in this format:
public struct DivaLiveLikeAnalytics {
var name: String
var data: [String: Any]
is available here:
liveLike?.analytics.sink { analytics in
LiveLike Influencer Chat Plugin​
The Influencer Chat plugin provides a MenuPanelPlugin that can be used in Diva. Here is an example of how to integrate it:
There are also optional configurations available to customise some parameters, or fire additional actions at specified times:
.with(title: "My Title") // A custom title for the panel in Diva
.with(analyticsId: "My Custom Analytics Id") // A custom analytics id
.withChatButtonType(.none) // A custom button type that will appear (or not) in the top right buttons in Diva
.withPanelShowAction { /*callback*/ } // A custom action to be fired when the panel appears
.withPanelHideAction { /*callback*/ } // A custom action to be fired when the panel disppears
.withAttentionFlagAction { attentionFlag in /*callback*/ } // A custom action to be fired when there are new unread chat messages
There is the possibility to customize the chat button that appears when the chat is not open (always on iPad, in landscape on iPhone):
public enum ChatButtonType {
// No button will appear
case none
// The default button will appear.
// A custom action can be added to fire when the button is tapped (in addition to the standard behavior of
// opening the chat)
case `default`(customAction: (() -> Void)?)
// A button with the specified state images (one for chat without messages, one for chat with unread messages)
// will appear. A custom action can be added to fire when the button is tapped (in addition to the standard behavior of
// opening the chat)
case custom(defaultImage: UIImage, notificationImage: UIImage, action: (() -> Void)?)
LiveLike Widgest Plugin​
The Widgets plugin provides a FloatingPanelPlugin that can be used in Diva. Here is an example of how to integrate it:
There are also optional configurations available to customise some parameters, or fire additional actions at specified times:
.with(analyticsId: "My Custom Analytics Id") // A custom analytics id
.withPanelShowAction { /*callback*/ } // A custom action to be fired when the panel appears
.withPanelHideAction { /*callback*/ } // A custom action to be fired when the panel disppears
You can customize the Widgets appearance with your own theme by using one of the many available methods:
// Async throwing function, expects json data from a remote URL
livelike.setWidgetsTheme(url: /*Some URL*/)
// Throwing function, expects local json data
livelike.setWidgetsTheme(jsonData: /*Some Data*/)
// Throwing function, expects a valid JSON String
livelike.setWidgetsTheme(jsonString: /*Some JSON String*/)
// Throwing function, expects a valid [String: AnyObject] dictionary
livelike.setWidgetsTheme(json: /*Some JSON Dictionary*/)